Monday, October 31, 2011

halloween 2011

us girls at maddie's friends birthday party

halloween morning in humble with pawpaw and mimi

trick or treating in the neighborhood:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Halloween is almost here!

For some odd reason, Halloween is one of my favorite days. Maybe bc it's the start of the other holidays soon after, or the dressing up...who knows?

Anyways..we carved our pumpkin last night. Maddie picked out the design of a witch on a broom and we carved it out for her.

She loves it!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

This weekend we tried to take some family pictures and here are some outtakes :)


didn't make it in time..

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Running of the bulls 5k

My dad watched the girls as Robby and I ran a 5k race at the Houston texans stadium. It was hard! Well for me it was :)

It was 3.1 miles..that's long anyways and then on top of that we had to run over two pretty steep hills. But we got to finish by running into the stadium and through the end zone just like the texans enter the stadium for a game. Pretty cool!

Robby's time was 29 minutes and mine was 32 minutes. Not bad considering I didn't train for it ;) but I'm paying for it now with sore legs!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011, maybe ballet isn't for us :)

After a LONG day of struggling with behavior, I've come to the conclusion that ballet isn't our strongest gift and we will be trying something different in the spring. We will definitely finish out this year in ballet until its over and then maybe move on to something more ACTIVE! Maybe, soccer or swimming or RUNNING!!! HA!

We are really struggling lately with behavior of not listening. She really showed her feelings towards ballet today by kicking the door with her tap shoes and ripping a sign off the wall in Miss Erica's room. FRUSTRATING!!

I'm really at a loss with her behavior in ballet b/c whats a mom to do, in front of EVERYONE? My neighbors suggested a whipping in public, in front of all her friends. I obviously disagree with that one, so we will stick to ignoring the bad behavior, praising the good....and maybe a little behind swatting in private ;)

Did I ever think I would cause harm to my little girl? NO! But desperate times call for desperate measures lol

We will get through this....

Here are some videos of what she does during ballet (not to mention the really bad stuff)...I can say this much, the girl is pretty funny. I just try to keep a straight face while she does this b/c the other moms are looking :) At least, you can hear them laugh too in the first one.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


maddie is a funny big sister, making ava laugh!

ava rolls over (on camera)

maddie in the TN lakes :)

robby finishing his 5k (from july)

maddie riding a horse at daddy's company picnic

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

ava is 5 months old

ava @ 5 months:
-rolls over from tummy to back
-still HATES tummy time
-eating baby food...favorite is prunes or bananas
-coos...esp to maddie :)
-smiles and giggles
-sucks her two middle fingers during the day and especially while sleeping
-eating about 5oz of formula at a time
-waking up OFTEN at night :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

the girls are ready for fall!

ava makes me laugh :)

Aren't they beautiful girls? I happen to think so!!

robby's 29th birthday!! 29!!

here is the progression over the years! Amazing huh?

Maddie was SO excited for "daddy's birthday!"..when he pulled up in the driveway from work, she yelled "I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU, IT SAYS HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!" lol! Cracked me up! Even though it was daddy's birthday and he got a cupcake with a candle...maddie got one too :)