Tuesday, February 14, 2012

valentines day 2012

Today was a special day for me (well it is every year, b/c its my favorite holiday)..but not only did I wake up to an AWESOME set up from my hubby, i got to spend the day with my girls. I was able to witness something really amazing today...and i see it everyday, but the pictures seem to capture the truth to what i see daily. Sisterly love...it is in full steam around this house at their ages. Growing up without siblings, i never realized how close siblings are to each other....they have a gift that the parents don't even share with them.
You can see it in the pictures, you can see it the way they look at each other...and can almost have a conversation without words with each other. Maddie runs to ava when she is upset and ava always looks very concerned when maddie cries. They will share so many memories of growing up together (the good and the bad) and i look forward to hearing all their stories when they are grown up.

Today was all about love..and there was a lot of that going on around here today :)

**This morning the girls woke up to their "chair-backers"...bags of goodies on the chair. Maddie got a barbie, candy, charlie brown valentine movie and dinosaurs (which she said "i already have these, mommy!"). Ava got a chew toy/rattle and a book.

We built a tent today for us to climb under and watch movies. We will be doing this more often, it was pretty entertaining!

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